Student Involvement encourages students and staff to be creative! We want everyone to contribute ideas and think of new ways they may enhance their experience on campus here at Iḷisaġvik. Opportunities are offered to put your ideas into action, learn from hands-on experiences, meet new people, develop life-long friendships and gain skills that will help along the way wherever your future takes you!
Student Government
In keeping with the long-time regional goal of self-determination and governance, Iḷisaġvik’s student government is the official representative body of students where student leaders represent student views to the Board of Trustees, administration, staff and faculty.
The purpose of the Student Government is to represent the interests and concerns of the student body of Iḷisaġvik College. They seek student input on issues, act on student issues, provide recommendations on student issues, and assume the responsibilities of participatory governance on behalf of students in mutual relationships with the faculty, staff administration, and the Board of Trustees of Iḷisaġvik College. They fulfill their mission to represent the concerns and serve the needs of the student body of Iḷisaġvik College.
All full-time and part-time students have the opportunity to serve as members of Iḷisaġvik College Student Government in four (4) officer positions. The organization meets at least monthly. Elections are held at the beginning of each Fall semester. Elected representatives serve for one (1) year. The Student Government may establish and appoint as many standing committees as it deems necessary and appropriate.
In order to allow all Iḷisaġvik College students the opportunity to participate in Student Government the following minimum standards of public notification apply:
- One-week minimum notice prior to nominations.
- One-week minimum notice prior to elections.
- All notice publicized via the following venues:
- College-wide email
- Iḷisaġvik Social Media
- Website
The student Government serves as the primary means of formal communication with the Iḷisaġvik College administration. A faculty or staff member serves as the advisor to the Student Government and is the liaison between the Student Government and the administration.
Beta Psi Epsilon Chapter (Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society)
of college students and to provide opportunities for them to grow as scholars and leaders. To achieve its mission, Phi Theta Kappa provides opportunities for the development of leadership and service, for an intellectual climate for exchange of ideas and ideals, for lively fellowship for scholars, and for stimulation of interest in continuing academic excellence.
To be eligible for membership:
- You must be enrolled in an accredited institution offering an associate degree program.
- You must have completed at least 12 hours of coursework that may be applied to an associate degree (part-time students may be eligible).*
- You must generally have a grade point average of 3.5.**
- You must receive an invitation to membership from the chapter at the college where presently enrolled.
- To find out if you are eligible for Phi Theta Kappa membership, contact your local chapter advisor.
* Part-time students are usually eligible for membership if they have accumulated the total number of hours used by the college to designate full-time status (usually 12 hours on a semester system). The decision to make part-time students eligible is an option of the local chapter and should be addressed in each chapter’s bylaws. International students attending college outside their home countries are eligible for membership if they have completed at least 12 hours of associate degree course work and have met the required cumulative grade point average.
** A chapter may raise eligibility standards as long as they are in accordance with the Society’s Constitution.
Membership in Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society guarantees you access to benefits that will recognize your outstanding academic accomplishments and provide you with the competitive edge that helps ensure future success. These benefits are unmatched by any other collegiate honor society.
Student Success Workshops
Student Success Workshops provide students with ways to improve their study skills, time management
To reserve your spot in any or all workshops, contact our Student Life Manager at 907-852-1726 or studentservices@ilisagvik.edu.
Interested in Student Clubs?
Interested in starting an organization of your own?
Whether you are brand new to running a group or you’ve been president three years running, we welcome you to explore ideas of running a student club you know would benefit the entire student body.
If artistic expression, social justice, environmental protection, or athletic competition sparks your interest, we’ve got the resources you need to plan your events, raise funds, and stay on top of the game.
For more information, contact studentservices@ilisagvik.edu.