Spring 22 Letter to the College Community – PDF (11/24/2021)
COVID-19 FAQ’s – PDF (11/22/2021)
Campus COVID-19 Exposure Procedure (PDF)
Update to Ilisagvik Students from the Dean of Students (08/19/2021)
Student COVID Vaccination Incentive Opportunity (08/19/2021)
Ilisagvik Vaccination Policy (12/15/21)
Campus Reopening Plan
This plan serves as a guide for the Spring 2022 Semester. It is designed to promote the health and safety of our members of the College community.
There are 4 phases:
- Phase 1 – Closed
- Phase 2 – Telework
- Phase 3 – Limited Operations
- Phase 4 – Fully Operational
This plan serves as a guide for the Spring 2022 Semester. It is designed to promote the health and safety of our members of the College community.
- Campus will be open to the public Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm
- Employees will return to regular schedules
- Student support programming and all classes will be offered in-person and distance delivery
- Wearing masks is required
- Internships as regularly scheduled
- A sanitization schedule for common areas in the main campus building has been established
- Shields are implemented in high traffic/common areas and available in each classroom
- Sanitization stations are available for each building for cleaning after meetings and gatherings
- Dormitories will be open for full-time students. More information can be found in our Campus Exposure Procedure (PDF)
- Reinstate in person meetings with the option of blended meetings (Zoom and in person)
- Children will be allowed in the workplace (complying with Employee Handbook)
- Regular transportation schedule will take place. Additional cleaning of vehicles during this period.
- All employees must practice good hand hygiene techniques. Sanitizer stations are setup throughout campus
- Employees who have symptoms (fever, cough, shortness of breath) must immediately notify their supervisor and are encouraged to stay home
- Travel ban will be lifted
- All employees and residential students who travel for personal reasons must complete the following:
- Quarantine for 10 days, or obtain a negative result from a COVID-19 (SARS-CoV2 PCR) laboratory test up to 3 days (72 hours) prior to departure, or upon arrival to Utqiaġvik. Employees must be cleared by HR to return to work and use annual leave or leave without pay while awaiting for results.
- Studies show that COVID-19 vaccines are effective at keeping individuals from getting COVID-19. Getting a COVID-19 vaccine will also help keep individuals from getting seriously ill even if you do get COVID-19. Ilisagvik College strongly encourages employees and students to vaccinate.
- We will continue to monitor Local, State, and CDC guidelines and recommendations and reassess our mitigation plans and reopening plans regularly
SAFETY is our priority. Our MISSION drives our decisions. We will continue to ADAPT during these unprecedented times.
Additional Information
For additional information about the coronavirus, including signs and symptoms, transmission and risk of exposure, and what to do if you are exhibiting symptoms, please refer to the latest updates: