
Student Spotlight – Malcolm Noble

Malcolm in DC
Malcolm (far right) visiting Washington D.C. with fellow students and College staff
Always a team player, Malcolm helped out at Iḷisaġvik ‘s 20th Anniversary Open House

We are pleased to feature our new Student Spotlight, recent endorsement graduate and Iḷisaġvik employee, Malcolm Noble. As a student in one of Iḷisaġvik’s vocational programs, Malcolm earned a Construction Management Endorsement as well as an Industrial Safety Level I Endorsement during the Spring 2015 Commencement. Malcolm also provides valuable support to the College working as the Administrative Assistant with the Workforce Development Department.

Where are you from?

I am originally from the Sunshine State, Florida, which is a more than a good 4,000 miles away. Quite the change to be here and I expect to melt when I go back!

What are you studying at Iḷisaġvik College?

I am currently studying for the Associates of Construction Technology; possibly even Business Management or Office Administration.

What made you decide to enroll in classes at Iḷisaġvik?

My uncle had attended Iḷisaġvik and gave me a free flight here and I just happened to stick it out!

What are your educational goals?

I wish to major in Occupational Safety & Health Administration. It’s a mouthful but it breaks down to: I want to save lives!

What are your hobbies when you aren’t studying or working?

SLEEP. I don’t think any full-time student/worker would dream of anything else.

What advice do you have for people thinking about signing up for classes?

Start now, if not now tomorrow! Point is you have the opportunity and all the resources available!


Thanks for all you do at Iḷisaġvik, Malcolm! Keep up the good work!