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News & Events
Driver’s License and Permit Tests offered at Kivgiq in partnership with the City of Utqiaġvik DMV
February 6, 2025
Barrow Mechanical and ACE Hardware Top of the World Continue to Generously MatchPick.Click.Give. Contributions for Iḷisaġvik College Foundation
December 11, 2024
We are Iḷisaġvik – Iḷisaġviurugut

Iḷisaġvik College was founded to primarily serve the residents of the North Slope Borough, America’s northernmost municipality.
The intent of its founders was to provide an education based on the Iñupiaq cultural heritage.
The basis for all Iḷisaġvik’s educational programs is the rich foundation of a subsistence culture in harmony with the land and seas that give it sustenance.
Iḷisaġvik College is rooted in the ancestral homeland of the Iñupiat. As an institution, we are “Unapologetically Iñupiaq.” This means exercising the sovereign inherent freedom to educate our community through and supported by our Iñupiaq worldview, values, knowledge, and protocols. The Iñupiaq way of life is woven into our curriculum, programs, activities, and daily interactions within Iḷisaġvik College and our community partners.
Hear How Iḷisaġvik [ill-ee-saw-guh-vik] is Pronounced
“Education is the key to our success.”
Eben Hopson, Sr. – First Mayor of the North Slope Borough, Alaska