Go to pfd.alaska.gov/ to add a pledge today.
While applying for their Permanent Fund Dividend (PFD) online, Alaskans can choose to Pick.Click.Give. in increments of $25. All donations are tax-deductible and donors will receive tax documentation from the State once their donations have been processed. PFD applications are available from January 1 to March 31, though Alaskans may choose to add or adjust their pledges online through August 31.
About Us
Iḷisaġvik College provides quality post-secondary academic, vocational and technical education in a learning environment that perpetuates and strengthens Inupiat culture, language, values, and traditions. It is dedicated to serving its students and developing a well-educated and trained workforce who meet the human resource needs of North Slope employers and the state of Alaska.
How Pick .Click.Give. Makes A Difference
Iḷisaġvik College is the only institution of higher education in the North Slope region, and the only Tribal College in the state. Your gifts help us meet our mission of serving our students and the greater rural Alaskan community!
At Iḷisaġvik, we provide a unique educational experience. Students have the opportunity to study towards an academic degree, a vocational or industrial certification, or towards
In 2023, you raised $8,100 and our generous local partners, ACE Hardware Top of the World and Barrow Mechanical, matched it – totaling $16,200! Your donation makes a difference. Because of you, educational opportunities are available in rural Alaska!
Here is how much you have raised through Pick.Click.Give.
2009: $2,025
2010: $2,300
2011: $3,575
2012: $14,175 – including a match from Exxon Mobil
2013: $11,155 – including a match from Exxon Mobil
2014: $15,000 – including a match from Exxon Mobil
2015: $8,525
2016: $11,322
2017: $6,375
2018: $15,700 – including a match from Barrow Mechanical
2019: $15,925 – including a match from Barrow Mechanical
2020: $15,234 – including a match from Barrow Mechanical and Ace Hardware Top of the World
2021: $14,950 – including a match from Barrow Mechanical and Ace Hardware Top of the World
2022: $14,550 – including a match from Barrow Mechanical and Ace Hardware Top of the World
2023: $16,200 – including a match from Barrow Mechanical and Ace Hardware Top of the World
Pick.Click.Give. Donors
Quyanaqpak to our 2023 Pick.Click.Give. donors!
- Piquuraq Aguvluk
- Simon Aina
- Judith Andress
- Hilda Attungana
- Elizabeth Beardsley
- Rosemary Beardsley
- Ruby Beardsley
- Tyler Beardsley
- Mary Booth
- Daniel Brower
- Pearl Brower
- Richard Camilleri
- Geoffry Carroll
- Angela Cox
- Isla Darling
- Sindri Darling
- Heather Dingman
- Kaya Edwardsen
- Anton Edwardson
- Deborah Edwardson
- George Edwardson
- Stephanie Joy Edwardson
- Nicole Evans
- David Fauske
- Somsri Greenspan
- Emily Gueco
- Christopher Gutierrez-Edwards
- Kristin Gutierrez-Edwards
- Cyd Hanns
- Heather Harris
- Harlee Harvey
- Rn Havea
- Douglas Henry
- Frederick Henry
- James Henry
- Lovelee Henry
- Erin Hollingsworth
- Rainey Hopson
- Robbyn Igtanloc
- Julie Itta
- Kayla Jeffress
- Redmond Johnson
- Diane Kaplan
- Lillian Lane
- Patricia Lloyd
- Edna Maclean
- Jamie Malabed
- Nestor Martinez
- Birgit Meany
- Fred Miller
- Andrea Morgana
- Frieda Nageak
- Archer Nesteby
- Chad Nesteby
- Jacqueline Nesteby
- Serena Nesteby
- Malcolm Noble
- Holly Nordlum
- Hokulani Panigeo
- George Patkotak
- Lisa Pekich
- Ann Riordan
- Jaylynn Rogers
- Mark Roseberry
- Amanda Sialofi
- Rebekah Smith
- Jennifer Stryker
- Bernard Sturgulewski
- Tara Sweeney
- William Tracey
- Moses Tukrook
- Joann Unutoa
- Hunter Wilhelm
- Juliana Wilhelm
- Justina Wilhelm
- Ross Wilhelm
- Arianne Williams
- Eleanor Williams
- Teressa Williams