
Student Spotlight – Matthew Murray

Matthew checking on an inner angle of a wooden structure.

Congratulations to our newest Student Spotlight, Matthew Murray. Matthew was chosen as this month’s spotlight for demonstrating his commitment to his field of study as well as for his involvement in extracurricular activities. Matt is the Student Government Vice President, and has contributed vastly to the success of much of the SGA’s programming this semester, including the fantastic (and terrifying) “Terror on the Tundra” Haunted House that took place in October. Way to go Matt! Keep up the great work!

Where are you from?

I am from Elim, Alaska, a town with a population of about 325.
What are you studying at Iḷisaġvik College?
Here at Iḷisaġvik College I am studying Carpentry Level One and working on Math skills.

What made you decide to enroll in classes at Iḷisaġvik?

I decided to enroll in classes at Iḷisaġvik College because I was reading about Iḷisaġvik on the website and it seemed like a great place to learn. I also felt it was time for me to learn a trade I would be able to use at a job site.

What are your educational goals?

My educational goals are completing Level II in the Carpentry program. In addition, I would very much like to get a Driver’s License. After obtaining my Level Two Carpentry certificate I’d like to work for a year or two as a carpenter. All the while, purchase a vehicle car or a truck, and get used to driving all the time. The long term goal I have is to get a commercial driver’s license, and drive heavy equipment until I am ready to retire.

What are your hobbies when you aren’t studying or working?

Hobbies I have include playing basketball, taking ATV rides and boating out in the country.

What advice do you have for people thinking about signing up for classes?

The advice I have for people thinking about signing up is “GO FOR IT!” Going to college better prepares you for life – after graduation you are ready to join the workforce! The more schooling you have the higher paying job you will get in the future. Coming to Iḷisaġvik College has been one of the greatest opportunities of my life. I recommend anyone willing to stay away from home for a few months to a couple years come to Iḷisaġvik College. They have great staff willing to work with the students, and they will motivate you to be all they can be!